LabNet is a pathology laboratory management system that focuses on protocolizing the edition of reports, saving and cataloging photos of the studies performed, knowing which studies are pending, having direct access to the patient’s history and being able to follow up on them, and facilitating consultation among colleagues through the creation of medical profiles that provide secure access to the results.
LabNet has a simple and intuitive interface designed to facilitate the pathologist’s work. It is a tool that allows remote access from anywhere in a secure way 24 hours a day, facilitates the sending of reports by e-mail to patients and requesting physician and guarantees the safeguarding and protection of the information through the generation of backups.
LabNET implements improvements that aim to: reduce the costs of issuing reports, reduce the time spent on reports, facilitate access to the patient’s medical history, safeguard information, reduce the number of report printouts by providing alternatives to paper and facilitate inter-consultation between colleagues in order to obtain a more consistent report.
LabNET provides an easy interface for an intuitive handling of the tool designed by and for pathologists where protocols, practices and nomenclators are managed, as well as providing information about the patient’s clinical history in the laboratory in order to perform a better data analysis, now more than ever in order to make relevant therapeutic decisions.